Ashes to Ashes..

Students have been asking me a lot lately about the state of the yoga world both here in my home city of Munich and generally. Is it back to normal? Is it back to what it was? Are students coming back? And how does it feel? My usual response is something along the lines of the pieces are beginning to fall and create some picture of a post-pandemic yoga community. The destruction in chaos of Covid forced a lot of studios to close their doors, and of course many community events were cancelled and both local and global yoga communities felt fractured and disconnected. But destruction also often breeds clarity of what needs to change, what was missing, and what is most important.

There is an English proverb often recited after literal deaths, “ashes to ashes, dust to dust.” While this literally means is that your body is made of elements of the earth and will return to earth's basic elements after passing away… in other words, you are made of dust and return to ashes and dust after passing away. How poetic and Ayurvedic :). This proverb is also thought to symbolize our life cycle..

It means that from ashes we rise, and to ashes, we will return. Cycles must end for new cycles to begin.

In the yoga world, Shiva, the deity of chaos and destruction is also the deity of rebirths and renewals. We are rising from ashes which is Brahma (the creator) and building something a community which sustains (Vishnu, the sustainer).

That is a long and short way of saying that I have some new classes at the Jivamukti Center/Engel Yoga in the Glockenbach, and I shifted the times of my older classes at Yogaloft (formerly Jivamukti Munich.. See my schedule here. Also, as always, my 8th Annual Ski and Yoga retreat IS happening and is already getting bookings because who doesn’t want to combine ski and yoga in one of the best spots in the Dolomites? No one.

Rise my lovelies from the ashes and let’s build something beautiful together.

Kari Zabel